Monday, December 9, 2013

A Little Bit

The hallway is so thick, I barely can get to the room at the end of the hall...a good problem, I always say.  Upon entering the room, many of these pre-kindergarten children will be leaving before my class arrives.

The "church swap" I call it.

Here they come!  One has on summer shoes with winter socks.  She loves it that way.  One has long hair that I can see she didn't let momma brush this morning.  She doesn't care.  A little boy still has breakfast leftovers on the corners of his lips.  Hey, at least he ate breakfast!  Yet, after playing some, singing some, we come sit for circle time.  And I. Love. It.  

"Criss-cross applesauce and put in your listening ears!"  We have an open Bible.  The inflection in my voice helps to bring the Words off the page.  One of them picks his nose.  A little girl won't stop playing with her tights.  Then, I exclaim, "Why was our Jesus who is God born in a stable, instead of a castle?!"  Silence.  

Well, He could have chosen any place.  He could have chosen a princess castle or a golden city or the middle of the marketplace.  As I look around at these children, I am brought to tears, seeing in them my own reflection of imperfection.  We NEEDED Him to be born that way.  So He could relate to me and you.  You may live in a castle though, I don't know.  He knows what it is like to be a King in a castle too though...

This last church day was an eye opener for me.  Not just my kids in class, but our teacher in the sanctuary.  He reminded us of the relation Jesus wants with us.  And how the comfort of that baby in a manger makes all the culture accept these "Jesus" songs and season.  What I couldn't get out of my head was that we are comfortable until He is God over our lives, an authority.  We don't want to accept that sometimes.  As mothers, we must let our kids see that we are GOOD with Him being in control.  We don't have it all lined up, they don't have to have it all just right.  

We can leave jelly on our shirt or a tangle in our hair every now and then.  

Merry Christmas to you! I pray that Jesus reveals so much to all of us about His love and necessity during this miracle season.  Help your family discover the wonder of it all by sharing the Christmas story from one of the gospels.  Messiah has come!