Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Substance Abuse

This is a different brand.  One that involves the very keys with which I am presently typing my life to you...I am learning about self-control.  That last fruit in the list from the Spirit.  The one that often gets left unaccounted for.  The one that us rule followers can minimize into utter denial in our own lives.

Here is how much I needed this.  I disabled the "chat" capability on Facebook because I was tired of the time between visits showing up on my screen.  Woven into my very simple life is this yearning to be with it keeping up with the world at my fingertips.  

Lately, I just. Can't. Stand. It.  

I am sharing what this does in my own life.  Please use your own judgement as to what it does in yours.  You may check Facebook every 5 minutes, maybe twice a week.  You may watch the news and have your tv on anytime you are home, maybe hardly ever.  Maybe you keep your music playing while you clean and do dishes or maybe you like to frequent sales sites online to see what you may get a bargain on.  Maybe you haven't ever heard of eBay...

You are likely a woman.  You are likely a mother, maybe a sister or a wife.  Whoever you are, rest assured you are precious.  I am thinking you have dear friends, who knows how many children, careers, seemingly unbreakable family bonds and material wealth at your fingertips.  We live a wonderful life.  A blessed one.  But, oh what God has taught me over this holiday season!  

I am not very independent.  Never have been.  My personality is woven into this very dependent lady, seeking the ways I can fulfill my dependency on others.  I am not saying this is a drawback at all, just sharing info about myself here.  I am dependent on my parents, my husband, my friends, my little world I have here.  I am dependent on my Lord Jesus.  I wanna lose all this.  My husband would be the  earthly exception here.  

All except Jesus.  Yes, I want to stay compassionate and stay loving.  I want to need them sometimes. We all desire to know we are needed and wanted.  Just not so dependent emotionally.  Not dependent on my keeping up with the world.  In the world but not of it... Such a Truth that can be difficult to remember in our tech society.  

When our wireless was out these passed few days, I felt naked.  I felt disconnected.  No cable and no internet.  No smartphone, just my good old free one.  What do I do at naptime when I usually spend treadmill time watching an episode of House Hunters?  I don't even have a radio upstairs, usually use my iPad.  How could I check the weather or the news or society's major communicator-social media?  How would I see the recipe for my bread for dinner?  Get out the recipe book??!!  What about those messages from the moms I do business with or friends?  Do they think I am just ignoring them? Frankly, I didn't know how I'd get through...isn't that sad?  Well, who knows what you are thinking now.   But, I made it!  And on the other side of my disconnect is MAJOR reconnect!

I started a book about the life of Saul-Paul a friend recommended while I had this break, in case you wondered about the treadmill...sure you did.  :)   I have learned more about this God-filled man and his transformation by Jesus than I had ever known.  And, to think I could have watched a design show instead...This is not a resolution, per say, just a major way that my eyes have been opened to how my life is run.  And WHAT runs it.  

My prayer for all of you and for myself is that Jesus will make these things happen-to show us what we need.  Even if it is frustrating.  I hope that He pushes us into a corner, respectively, so that we choose to dive into His Word instead.  

Thank you for hanging in this corner of the internet.  My deepest desire for this blog is to encourage.  Encourage in mom advice, my lessons learned so far, sharing what Jesus teaches me.  I have nothing but disgust thinking about adding to stress in a mother's life of how to "keep up" with being a "good" mom.  I am not trying to be your example.  Please don't put too much weight on my words.  I am a simple woman, saved by mercy from every rotten thing I think and do on a daily basis.  I am a mom who tries hard and frequently fails.  I am blessed beyond measure and am learning to let hard things transform me.  Most of all, Jesus loves me in spite of all this, as He does you.